Short:        Translates zip codes to UPS zones. V1.01
Author: (Will Bow, Colin Thompson)
Type:         biz/misc
Version:      1.01
Requires:     Requires OS2.x and reqtools.library
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Source:       Fish collection
Tested:       UPSey was tested on a 2000, 600 (WB 2) and a 1200 (WB3.0)
Date:         1994.07.01

UPSey will translate ZIP Codes to UPS Zones.  UPSey is a commodity that
is available to you from any program, just press the Control Alt and the
'u' keys at the same time.  UPSey requires a text file, called a 'database'
to operate.  One such database is provided.  If you send parcels from an
area other than San Diego, you will have to write an area-specific
database.  Complete instructions for writing the database are included in
the amigaguide documentation

Will Bow, Colin Thompson
9606 Carroll Canyon Road #H9
San Diego, CA 92126