Short: Czech locale for TurboCalc 5 Author: Vit Sindlar Uploader: Vit Sindlar Type: biz/spread Architecture: generic These are the Czech catalogs for TurboCalc 5 ============================================ translated by Vit Sindlar ( To install, in shell simply switch to TurboCalc's home directory and unpack the archive there. Example: cd Work:TurboCalc ; or wherever you have TurboCalc installed lha x -a RAM:TC5Czech ; or wherever the archive is The archive contains the following directory: catalogs/ÃeÓtina The translation has been performed according to the guidelines I have set up in the Czech department of ATO (Amiga Translators' Organization), of which I am administrator. If you want to know more about ATO and our efforts to provide national versions of Amiga software, please check our home page: Thanks have to go to TurboCalc's author, Michael Friedrich, for providing me with the .cd files. If you have any comments or error reports concerning this translation, please contact me, Vit Sindlar, at the above e-mail address. -- (in czech) ------------------------------------------------------------- V tomto archivu naleznete ceske katalogy pro TurboCalc 5 ======================================================== prelozil Vit Sindlar ( Instalace je prosta. V shellu se prepnete do adresare s TurboCalcem a tam archiv rozbalte. Priklad: cd Work:TurboCalc ; nebo tam, kde mate TurboCalc nainstalovany lha x -a RAM:TC5Czech ; nebo tam, kde jste archiv umistili Archiv obsahuje nasledujici adresar s katalogy: catalogs/ÃeÓtina Preklad byl provaden podle platnych pravidel, ktere jsem stanovil (kdo chce muze prispet take) pro ceskou sekci ATO (Amiga Translators' Organization). Naleznete je na v sekci Ostatni. Pokud se chcete dovedet neco vice o organizaci ATO a nasich snahach poskytovat narodni verze software pro Amigu, podivejte se na nasi domovskou stranku: Zaroven musim podekovat autorovi TurboCalcu, Michaelu Friedrichovi, ktery mi poskytl potrebne soubory k lokalizaci. Pokud byste meli jakekoli pripominky k memu prekladu, kontaktujte mne prosim na vyse uvedene elektronicke adrese.