Short: Generates Chat Top 10 and more! (MST/X) Author: (klr) Uploader: klr xs4all nl (klr) Type: comm/bbs Architecture: m68k-amigaos Chat-O-Meter keeps track of all the chat times with users and is capable of generating a Chat-O-Top of the 10 longest chats. Also, after every chat a little report is shown, with the following information: - Time of this chat - Overall number of this chat (sysop) - Overall number of this chat (user) - Total chat time (sysop) - Total chat time (user) - Total chat time today (sysop) The bulletin was designed by Stezothetic (sTZ) and contains the day record and a top 10 of the longest chatters. The program is fully configurable via tooltypes in the supplied icons.