Short: ART, Ansi Artwork Type Door! Author: Peter Zelezny Uploader: marty axs com au (Glen Martin) Type: comm/maxs Requires: MAXsBBS 1.54 or /X\ax's Pro 2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos ------------------------------------------------------------1997---- ..: ART :.. Peter Zelezny!.... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Another MAXs Door! Uploaded to Aminet by Glen Martin of GREMLiNS BBS A door that displays ansi's, users can upload 'em, dnload 'em, etc.! You'll work it out. Ansi's are uploaded (locally too) to the tmp dir and then xfer is finished, ansi is moved to the ansi dir. Very easy! Marty (..SysOp of GREMLiNS BBS, supporting MAXs.. coz it Rulz!) -------------------------------------------------------------------- GREMLiNS BBS will be (..has) moved, and the number changed! Watch out for new doors (..other info) for new BBS details! BBS offline (mail only) till November (new details), 1997.! --------------------------------------------------------------------