Short: Excellent MAXs Game, Connect 4. Author: Peter Zelezny (author of the new SX, BBS software) Uploader: marty axs com au (Glen Martin) Type: comm/maxs Requires: MAXsBBS 1.54 and /X\ax's Pro 2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... CONNECT 4 ....... Excellent MAXs BBS Game ... By Peter Zelezny ....! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply unpack archive into DOORS: and run via MAXs rundoor function ....! The highscore file will at some stage get corrupted (Peter's fault), thus a copy of it is included, so when it does happen, just copy the original (connect4.top_copy) over the corrupted one ( to fix... easy!! Need help... here's 40 cents, call sumone who cares! ;) Marty ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTiON: GREMLiNS BBS will be (..has) moved, and the number changed! Watch out for new doors (..other info) for new BBS details! -------------------------------------------------------------------------