Short:        V1.0 - Very quick & simple searching tool for MM
Author: (Neil Williams)
Uploader:     aliberti mbox vol it ( Pino Aliberti )
Type:         comm/mmgr
Version:      1.0
Requires:     MailManager v1.2 +
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                                 MM_SearchMsgs 1.0

   This is a very basic tool I wrote when I needed to grab all the messages
   in my msg bases that matched a certain pattern.

   All it does is search every message with the arguments you provide.  Any
   messages  matching  will  be  saved to a file you specify. Nothing magic
   here :)

   Usage: [rx] MM_SearchMsgs[.rexx] FROM/K,TO/K,SUBJECT/K,FILE/K

   The /K just means that it's a Keyword: i.e. you need to type...
   MM_SearchMsgs.rexx FROM "Neil Williams"

   MM_SearchMsgs.rexx "Neil Williams"
   ... will not work.

   Have Fun!

 __ _ _ _
/_/\ _ _    Neil Williams - - 2:442/107 - 39:136/1
\_\/_ _     /The/ /Killing/ /Ground/ on +44 (0)1978 751393, 22:00 to 08:00