Short:        A GhostWriter which supports E-Mail gateways
Author: (Neil Williams)
Uploader:     neil tkgbbs freeserve co uk (Neil Williams)
Type:         comm/mmgr
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                              MM_Spectre v1.0

                    ©1998 Neil Williams / TKG Software

MM_Spectre is a GhostWriter, that is to say it will  reply  to  messages  in
your  absence.  This  is  useful if you're on holiday and don't want to come
back to several hundred "Why haven't you replied to me?" messages.  This  is
fully  configurable  and  supports  E-Mail  gateways  via  the REPLYADDR and
REPLYTO kludges. REPLYTO isn't needed, but will be used if it's found.


1.0  --  22/6/98  --  First Release