Short:        Telnet Daemon and Serial Login v0.4
Author: (Marcus Käll)
Uploader:     markus kall swipnet se (Marcus Käll)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      0.4
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

VCON is a telnet Deamon that supports usergroup.library or
multiuser.library login system. It emulates the CON: quite
well with a few exceptions. It's compatible with most telnet
applications. It also has a prefs program.

New for version 0.4

- Possibility to select where to get the Command started after login.
- Userfile where you can enter which users that have acces to telnet.
- Sends IAC codes that tells the client that VCON wont echo,
   but still IAC isn´t supported.
- The shell entry in the passwd file can be used whithout the leading
   ´*´, this becaus some other programs tha read from that file
   doesn´t like it.

New for version 0.3
- Exec device support with connectscript.
- Can be started without inetd.
- Sends many breaksignals all the time if the user closes the connection.
- Possibility to close log window.
- Fixed a bug in ACTION_READ.
- VCON sends 0 instead if -1 when EOF, some more programs work now.
- Arguments can be added direct to the command line (or inte the inetd.conf or miami).

New for version 0.2
- Ctrl-Return (Ascii-10) works.
- Telnetprograms that send both ascii 13 and 10 work too.
- Removed a bug caused when using ACTION_DISK_INFO,
   now it send DOSFALSE instead of trash.
- Reads more than one character at a time.