Short:        ! autoload AmiTCP/go online; NO buttons
Author: (Hans Buehler)
Uploader:     codex studi mathematik hu-berlin de (Hans Buehler)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      1.00b9-fix4
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Replace:      cdxNetL_1b8.*

 cdxNetLaunch V1.00 beta 9 (9.8.1996)

 Having  installed  this  program,  you  never  again  need to use
"startnet",  "stopnet",  "online" or "offline" - if an application
needs  AmiTCP,  it will automatically be loaded; if it needs to be
online, AmiTCP goes online and reversely  (by option).

 Note  to  this  release:   The guide now coveres most problems on
                            installing cdxNetLaunch !


 * No more needs for any dirty button-click or CLI typing...
 * Widely configurable.
 * GUI to directly load/stop AmiTCP, go on/offline.
 * _easy_ to install (installer script & config program) !
 * Amigaguide (containing quick install chapter).
 * Works even on networks basing on AmiTCP (can deal with
 * Commodity.
 * Cardware (no crippleware or stuff).
 * etc.etc.etc.


 Fix1 (b6):

 * Bug in Installer script removed.

 fix2 (b7):

 * On-/offline problems  reduced to a minimum (if you tried to get
   online but it failed (e.g.  because you didn't switched on your
   modem), the program did dirty on-/offline tries.

 fix3 (b8):

 * Guide will be displayed correctly (path bug).
 * Installer bug when setting the guide file tooltype removed.

 fix4 (b9):

 * Hope that crashes cause of invalid stack checks of SAS (I'm
   sorry; I forgot to disable the options on SAS ;(....) are now
   history (option windows).
 * Installation guide will take care for non-standard AmiTCP/IP
   installations !!!!


 Tested with:

 * A1200/2MB, A3000/26MB, A4000/64MB (network with AmiTCP &


 * AmiTCP/IP V4.2+ (developped using V4.2)
 * A sana2.device to go online.
 * The AT Installer.
 * Kickstart V37+


 * Still beta, but I hope it works now.
 * Few additional tools still not ready (I'll first fix the
   program itself, I suggest ;^).


 - hans