Short:        TFTP client using only the SANA-II API
Author: (Olaf Barthel)
Uploader:     polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      1.29
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4
Distribution: Aminet

This is a program which uses the "trivial file transfer protocol" (TFTP)
for either sending data from your Amiga to a remote TFTP server, or for
requesting data to be transmitted by a remote TFTP server to your Amiga.

This TFTP client program does not need a TCP/IP stack to work. It is
designed to work in the absence of a TCP/IP stack and will likely conflict
with a TCP/IP stack to use the same network device driver unit.

You need a SANA-II network device driver for this program to work.

The typical application for this program is for transmitting data between
your Amiga and "small computer" systems, for upgrading firmware or for
downloading log data. Because TFTP is such a simple protocol, it is often
easier to implement for small computer systems than the more complex FTP,
HTTP or SSH protocols which need a complete TCP/IP stack to work.