Short: Some tools for your BBS, part 1. Author: (Ron Klinkien) Uploader: bart xecho xs4all nl (Bart Schraa) Type: comm/xeno Architecture: m68k-amigaos This archive contains the following utilities: Asp V3.3: This is some funny ascii character animator. CheckFileCat V0.03: Checks files in your filecatalogue. DelFile V0.02: Small command to Delete file(s) from your filecatalog and hd. LastCallers/Real V0.12: This is a lastcaller util, its a CLI command. ShortComment V0.16: Adds comment from the .readme files to the filecatalogue. TickTalk V3.2: Clock tool which can display the time, in a lot of languages. UpTime V1.01: Displays the time your Amiga is running without rebooting.