Short: A small liquid surface modelling demo Author:, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough Uploader: Varthall / Up Rough Type: demo/intro Version: 1.2 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 this small demo is about liquid surface modelling. mouse: use mouse to move on the surface. while you hold down first mouse button and move trace is left behind. keys: 1 2 - smooth q w - gravity a s - friction z x - elastics f - fullscreen space - clear esc - quit meanings of properties: smooth - how much to smooth the surface? smaller value gives better smoohing. a stupid param, probly you wont notice any change. gravity - smaller value increases process sped. friction - how long the oscillation will last? smaller value means longer. elastics - wave length. smaller values - longer wave. when you go with some parameter out of optimal range system starts to amplify waves. sometimes this gives very nice-looking patterns. when this happend bring the value back to optimal range (and press space). .___________________________________________________________. | | | A M I G A O S 4 . 0 C O M P I L E B Y | ._______ .______. | | ____/________________________________________| |__ . ._|____._ | ._ | ._ | _/______. | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | | | _________| | | |_________________|______|spt/up |_______________|_______________| . . | | | I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel | | that what I do is worth anything, use paypal to donate | | to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx! | | | | Spot / Up Rough 2006 | |___________________________________________________________|