Short:        MorphOS hit interceptor
Author:       Leif Salomonsson
Uploader:     dev blubbedev net
Type:         dev/e
Version:      Nov 2008
Architecture: ppc-morphos = 1.4.5

   What ?

      It intercepts powerpc hits on morphos and tries to give some
      additional information, information it gathers from debug data
      that ecx puts in executables if you compile with vardebug/s.
      It does this fully automatically, no need to execute special
      tools on commandline or such.

   The Amazing Features:

      o Shows SOURCE, LINE information (PPC ELF)

      o Shows SYMBOL information (PPC ELF)

      o Shows a PPC disassembly around hit offset.

      o Shows variable dump. No this is actually true, it does. (PPC ELF)

      o Works on libraries too. Yes, it is true.
        (process.PROGDIR: and LIBS: is searched) (PPC ELF)

      o PPC and 68K registers dump and more.

      o Is almost guaranteed to not steal you beer and send them to author.



      TARGET   - Name of running task, or "global" for all tasks.

      DISLEV   - # of lines of additional disassembly around hit, default is 0 (=just one instruction).

      EATMSG   - Do not send trap message to logserver. Will shut logserver up.

      BTDEPTH  - Stack backtrace depth. Defaults to 1.


      Something that intercepts debug output, because CatchHit sends
      it's output with DebugF(). I'd recommend using Sashimi.


      Exit is possible by sending ctrl c.

      Mostly useful for PPC ELF binaries.

      If you find what might be a bug, please report.

Leif Salomonsson - November 2008