Short:        A library for sample rate conversion
Author:       Erik de Castro Lopo, AmigaOS 4 port by Varthall / PFP
Uploader:     Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com>
Type:         dev/lib
Version:      0.1.4_01
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

Libsamplerate 0.1.4
AmigaOS 4 version 01 by Varthall / PFP

libsamplerate (also known as Secret Rabbit Code) is a library for 
performing sample rate conversion of audio data. This is a clib2 and 
newlib, static only compile for AmigaOS 4.

Some example programs are provided in examples/, compiled with newlib. 
Varispeed-play hasn't been included as it lacks specific Amiga code for 
audio replaying. You'll also find some programs in tests/, also compiled 
with newlib, which test the library. The callback_hang_test test program 
couldn't be compiled and have been left out. All these programs, due to 
their size, are available in a separate archive (libsamplerate-programs).


Copy the contents of SDK inside your SDK: installation. You can also 
copy the tests/ and examples/ directories anywhere, but they are not 
required by the library.


libsamplerate was written by Erik de Castro Lopo (erikd AT mega-nerd DOT 
com). AmigaOS 4 port by Varthall PFP (varti02 AT hotpop DOT com).
The libsamplerate home page is at :