Short: i/o spectrum files library Author: see AUTHORS Uploader: megacz usa com Type: dev/lib Version: Requires: 68000 Architecture: m68k-amigaos libspectrum =================== libspectrum is a library which is designed to make the input and output of ZX Spectrum emulator files slightly easier than it would be otherwise. It should hopefully compile and run on Unix-based systems, Win32 and Mac OS X. Currently supported are: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap (read/write) and Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write).