Short: TIFF utilities and SDK Author: see COPYRIGHT Uploader: megacz usa com Type: dev/lib Version: 3.8.2 Requires: see notes Architecture: m68k-amigaos libtiff-3.8.2 and tools ------------------------ --- Libtiff is now configured for m68k-unknown-amigaos Installation directory: / Enable runtime linker paths: no Support Microsoft Document Imaging: yes Support for internal codecs: CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms: yes Macintosh PackBits algorithm: yes LZW algorithm: yes ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm: yes NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm: yes LogLuv high dynamic range encoding: yes Support for external codecs: ZLIB support: yes Pixar log-format algorithm: yes JPEG support: yes Old JPEG support: no C++ support: yes OpenGL support: no --- NEWS: - [28-12-08] ixlibrary ID has been changed to the one that can be found in: , if you dont use 'ixemul' 48.3 then you have to find non-collisious ID in range of 0 to 99 and patch it with 'ixidset' from 'ixidtools'. --- NOTES: - there are two builds, one that has everything static and one with shared library(68020 required). ; i made these two builds coz there might happend a situation where you can either have no fpu(68000 or 68ECxxx) or be memory limited. ---