Short: Map editor for 2D game creation Author: Kelly Samel ( Uploader: Kelly Samel (realstar shaw ca) Type: dev/misc Version: 1.2 Replaces: dev/misc/mapmasterdx.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos MapMasterDX Info: MapMasterDX can be used to create a background scene made up of individual blocks or tiles. This tool is useful for those interested in creating backgrounds for classic 2D games. Some example blocks and maps are included as well as a simple C source code example of how to use the mapfiles. Note: Flipped blocks are handled by attribute settings now the previous method is no longer supported. If you already have files created in the old format send me an email. Also read the new section on block attributes and see "loadatr_funcs.c". ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Version History - ----------------------------------------------------------------- December 26 2007: v1.2 - Added local attribute settings display - Fixed bug when loading attributes into multiple layers - Fixed savemap directory not being restored - Added ShowATR gadget to overlay atr values onto blocks - Better response to show/hide layer gadgets - "Modify ATR" pasting mode added - Fixed bug in pastemode selection - "Replace Attribute" pasting mode added December 24 2007: v1.1b - Fixed version number - Added local attributes display on edit window December 23 2007: v1.1 - Added (X + Y + position) coordinates display in edit canvas - Cursor refreshes on inital click to block select window - Currently selected block ID is displayed in the block panel - Gadgets for setting global block attributes added to block panel - Attribute data is loaded and saved when "Attributes" gadget is enabled - Fixed crash when 'Clear' gadget was clicked after changing block sizes - Added 'Grab Section' gadget to copy a section from the edit window - Cursor shape changes to reflect size of pasting section - cursor refresh improved - Flipping modes changed to be set in local map attributes - Undo and section pasting modified to handle attributes - Directory paths are now recalled upon restarting the program July 13 2007: v0.9 - pasting of x and/or y flipped blocks added - now goes directly to edit mode after loading blocks - larger possible map sizes (1024x1024) - setting added to keep block window open while editing - possible to save as Raw32bit data or C Source code - doesn't add ".lx" extension to filename if already present - fixed crash when blank filename was selected - updated documentation June 08 2007: v0.8 - cut and paste of rectangular block sections - multi-layered map editing - transparency mask for layers (PNG) - Added a cursor - Fixed bug causing incorrect block id - locking of the block settings - multiple Undo feature - keyboard shortcuts for several gadgets/functions - "All Layers" gadget for multi-layer save/load - Updated documentation - Numerous other bug fixes - increased stability January 13 2007: v0.4 - First public release ----------- - License - ----------- MapMasterDX is Copyright © 1997-2007 Kelly Samel / Emerald Games. MapMasterDX is freely redistributable but may not be sold for any kind of profit without explicit permission from the Copyright holder. Mapdata files generated with the software may be used for any purpose including inclusion in freeware or commercial software. Please ask for permission if you want to use the example block images in your project. ----------- - Contact - ----------- MapMasterDX by Kelly Samel / Emerald Games Contact: Website: