Short: MUIExtend.library V1.1 Author: (Robin Cloutman) Uploader: robin robinc demon co uk (Robin Cloutman) Type: dev/mui Version: 1.1 Requires: MUI, 68020+, knowledge of assembler :) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: NoCD MUIExtend.library©1997 Robin Cloutman, All rights reserved. This is a shared library that is meant to ease the creation of MUI programs, especaially for assembly language. I currently haven't got any non-assembler developement information for it, but if anyone is willing to write them for other languages then e-mail them to me and I'll include them (and your name) in the future versions. When I feel that it is /finished/ I will allow this to be put on Aminet CD's MUIExtend homepage: LEGAL I retain all rights, unless something goes wrong, then it's your fault! If you write anything that uses this you MUST give me a copy, or if it is available over the 'net, tell me where. If it is shareware then I want a keyfile made out to MUIExtend, if I like/use your software enough I will register in my own name.