Short:        MUI interface builder
Author:       Eric Totel, MUIBuilder Open Source Team
Uploader:     mrustler gmx de (Matthias Rustler)
Type:         dev/mui
Version:      2.3
Replaces:     dev/mui/MUIBuilder22.lha; dev/mui/MUIBuilder22b.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

# MUIBuilder V2.3 #                               January, 16th, 2011

MUIBuilder is a graphical interface builder for the MUI toolkit.

This is the 1st release of MUIBuilder since it is an open source
project which is hosted at

# Installation #

Unpack the archive and copy the content to where you like it.
Copy "muibuilder.library" to "Libs:" or do something like:
Assign Libs: MUIBuilder/Libs ADD

# Changes #

- start as Open Source project on Sourceforge.
- source cleanup
- AROS port
- OS3 port
- made output of GenCodeC portable for all Amiga-like OSs
- fixes for 2 segfaults

# Usage #
You can find documentation in the drawers:
- Documentations
- Libs/Documentations
- Modules/Documentations

# License #
MUIBuilder and GenCodeC are GNU General Public License V3
muibuilder.library is GNU Lesser General Public License V3
See the files COPYING and COPYING.LIB for details.