Short: Modules for Oberon-A 1.6 Author: Morten Bjergstrøm Uploader: mbjergstroem hotmail com (Morten Bjergstrøm) Type: dev/obero Architecture: m68k-amigaos This archive contains 15 modules for Oberon-A 1.6 ©1995 by Frank Copeland. - ARQ.mod doesn't seem to work - CDPlay.mod is an interface for the cdplay.library (not much tested) - Config.mod is an iterface for the config.library. - IFF.mod makes it possible to use IFF.library from within Oberon-A: programs. - MemManager.mod is an interface for the memmanager.library (not much tested) - OS2.mod makes it easier to make font sensible GadTools GUI's. - PTReplay.mod is an interfaces for the ptreplay.library which makes it very easy to use Protracker modules in your programs/games. - SortTools.mod sorting algorithms for numbers. - StringTools.mod some tools for string handling - SysInfo.mod is an interface for the sysinfo.library (not much tested) - Triton.mod an updated version that includes some of the newer functions in triton.library. - VMemory.mod is an interface for the vmemory.library (not much tested) - WBStart.mod is an interface for the WBStart.library (sadly enough this doesn't work for me) - XFDMaster.mod is an interface for the XFDMaster.library (not tested) - XPK*.mod is an interface for the XPKMaster.library (not tested) Write any comments to (especially if you are an OberonA programmer): Mail: Morten Bjergstrøm Krovænget 11 4671 Strøby Denmark EMail (Preferred): Other programs by me: AddIcon (should be in util/wb) MBClock (should be in util/time) MBMan (should be in util/cli) MoneyManager (Should be in biz/misc)