Short:        Regimental Command, a strategy game engine
Author:       Randi J. Relander, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:     spot triad se
Type:         dev/src
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

Regimental Command

Regimental Command is a generic armored combat system being
developed with the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL). The goal is
to create a cross-platform system that can be used to develop
a variety of turn-based and real-time wargames.


Regimental Command is distributed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.


* Homepage -

  The Regimental Command homepage has screenshots of the
  latest versions as well as links to other sites and files
  associated with development of the project.

* SourceForge -

  SourceForge is a free service to Open Source developers
  offering easy access to the best in CVS, mailing lists, bug
  tracking, message boards/forums, task management, site
  hosting, permanent file archival, full backups, and total
  web-based administration.

Required Libraries

* SDL -

  Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia
  library designed to provide fast access to the graphics
  framebuffer and audio device.


Regimental Command documentation is available in HTML format
in "./docs/index.html". Documentation can also be viewed and
submitted using the "DocManager" interface on the SourceForge
project page.

Bug Reports

Bug reports can be sent to <regcom-bugs()>
or submitted directly using the "Bug Tracking" interface on the
SourceForge project page.


Contributions are always welcome. Contact a Regimental Command
project administrator if you wish to contribute to the project.
The current list of administrators and developers can be found
on the SourceForge project page.

   |                                                           |
   |       A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   C O M P I L E   B Y       |
  ._______                                        .______.     |
  |  ____/________________________________________|      |__   .
._|____._         |      ._       |      ._       |       _/______.
|      |/         |      |/       |      |/       |      |/       |
|                 |      _________|               |               |
|_________________|______|spt/up  |_______________|_______________| 
   .                                                           .
   |                                                           | 
   |           A B O U T   T H I S   C O M P I L E             | 
   |                                                           | 
   |    This is a very cool strategy game engine, hopefully    | 
   |     this will inspire someone to make a cool game for     | 
   |                  AmigaOS 4.0. SSolie? ;)                  | 
   |                                                           | 
   |   I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel   | 
   |  that what I do is  worth anything, use paypal to donate  |  
   |         to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx!        | 
   |                                                           | 
   |                    Spot / Up Rough 2006                   | 