Short: Slow down your CD/DVD drive Author: DET Nicolas Uploader: aminet aminet net Type: disk/cdrom Version: 1.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos CDSpeedKiller V1.0 ------------------ This is a very simple tool which ask to your CD/DVD ROM drive to be slower ! Why slower ???? Because current drive are crappy most of the time, and are noisy like the hell ! Put the speed to a "normal" one like 2000 Ko/s should make your drive more silent. Requierement ------------ - MorphOS V1.0 (should work with any release in fact) - at least one CD/DVD Drive Options ------- There are 3 option configurable by ToolTypes: DEVICE: The device where you drive is conneted, default is ide.device. Example: DEVICE=symbios.device UNIT: The unit of your CD/DVD device, default is 1. Example: UNIT=5 SPEED: The speed to set for your noisy device Example: SPEED=600 (4x speed) SPEED=1800 (12x speed) Warning ------- If you use a CD/DVD burner, this software will also slow down the BURNING speed. FAQ --- Q: I've try with my drive but it does not work ! What happen ? A: Some device seen to don't support the "set speed" command. Sorry, but you drive will stay noisy, good luck ! Q: It crash my machine, grr ! A: Really ? it should not. Please contact me by mail : Q: How could I launch this software at each startup ? A: Simply copy it in your SYS:WBStartup directory Q: I don't have MorphOS, would it be possible to get an AmigaOS 68k version ? A: Well, I don't have access to my Amiga for the moment, and I'm too lazy to install and 68k compiler on my machine. However you are free to compile it for you 68k, sources are given in the archive. Q: I want full speed and silent, how can I do it ? A: Buy a real CD/DVD drive ! Usually SCSI one are better. I have a Plextor "UltraPleX40Max" SCSI which is "rather" silent at least more silent than my IDE one ! Anyway, you should try to avoid IDE/ATAPI device if you can. Buy a "cheap" SCSI card with some good SCSI devices it generaly no so expensive and very nice. AUTHOR ------ DET Nicolas mail: DISCLAMAIR: This software is give for free as it is. Nevertheless, I am NOT reponsible for any dommage this could made, in any case.