Short: XO game for two players Author: BagoZonde Uploader: BagoZonde Type: game/2play Version: 1.0 Architecture: generic :description: it's a simple logic game written in AmigaDOS for two players. :requirements: keyboard :how to install: just copy drawer 'xando' wherever you want. :how to uninstall: erase!! :) :usage: running is possible only under CLI, so type path to this drawer and run xando or xando-tournament for playing. :rules: winner who got three in line in tournament version also winner who got more points, if no one wins, one more game is played :keys: k for credits p for playing again q to quit 1-9 select field to put there 'x' or 'o' :status: this game is c64diskware so if you like it, contact with me and send me a 5'25" diskette :) serious! :D :author: BagoZonde