Short: Patch Quake for slightly faster fps Author: (Sigbjørn Skjæret) and (Alan Buxey) Uploader: cisc heaven to (Sigbjørn Skjæret) Type: game/patch Version: 0.1ß1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: world ______________________________________________________________________________ This is a small and simple patch for Quake that gives some slightly faster tweaks. Not much, but it may help those with lesser machines 8-) Running it is simplicity in itself! Just extract the archive to your Quake drawer and from a shell go to that drawer and type patchquake - hey presto, a new file is created, try running that file instead. 060 users do *NOT* use this patch, your performance may even decrease please, instead, wait for reports of how the new 060 version of Quake from ClickBOOM plays and then buy it ;-) DISCLAIMER: ALTHOUGH THE FILES HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY TESTED ANY ERRORS OR ACCIDENTS ARISING FROM THEIR USE IS NOT THE RESPONSIBITY OF THE AUTHOR. USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL. PS: I (Sigbjørn Skjæret) just edited the patch to work for Quake, I did not do any of the coding on this patch, and all credits go to Alan Buxey... ;) ______________________________________________________________________________