Short: picture manipulation toolbox Author: lots Uploader: megacz usa com Type: gfx/conv Version: 10.26.44 Requires: see notes Architecture: m68k-amigaos netpbm-10.26.44-bin-m68k ------------------------- --- This is 'netpbm' a shell toolbox that allows to manipulate on/convert pictures in various formats(jpeg,gif,ilbm,png,tiff ...). --- NOTES: It will run on any Amiga(build for 68000) with operating system 2.04+, some memory(preferably lots of fast memory) and 'ixemul.library' 48+. Yes, programs in this package depend on 'ixemul', but they are much faster (more optimized) than the "native" Amiga version of 'netpbm' available on Aminet plus they are fully compatible with Linux shell scripts this way. All the dependencies have been built for 68000(why? coz no fpu required) with additional optimizations too before doing main compile. Package contain something like 300 utilities. Always use 100 kilos of stack before doing anything with these tools! Dependencies(not exact versions available on Aminet, you can request them from me by mail - they are more optimized; not uploading to avoid dublets): - netpbm + libbesselmath 0.0.1 + libm 5.4 + libjpeg 6.2 + libtiff 3.8.2 + libpng 1.2.18 + libz 1.2.3 ---