Short:        Update PerfectPaint V2.0 -> V2.1
Author:       Halvadjian Georges
Uploader:     gothic fr chello fr (Halvadjian Georges)
Type:         gfx/edit
Version:      2.1
Requires:     OS 3.0, Minimum 68030 + FPU, Graphics card
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

You have to install first PerfectPaint V2.0
then copy the file 'PerfectPaint' into your PerfectPaint directory

WebPage: HTTP://

Main program: PfPaint_V2.lha
French Doc can be found in Aminet: PfPaint_FRA.lha
English Doc can be found in Aminet: PfPaint_ENG.lha

  Paint, Anim and manipulate pictures from 1bit to 24bits

|                   |
|    What's New     |
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 PerfectPaint V2.1
   - Nasty bug with the startup program corrected.
     (can't recognize cybergraphx users if you don't have Picasso96api.library in your
     libs) sorry.

 PerfectPaint V2.0

   - Sorry for AGA users, but this version works only with graphics card
     and Cybergraphx or Picasso 96.
   - Works well now with Picasso 96 
   - Improve GUI
   - One aplication to manage pictures and animations from 1Bit to 24Bits.
   - More Arexx commands.
   - Add brush effects with real time preview.
   - Improve zoom with real window
   - you can convert pictures, animation or brush to CMAP or RGB.
   - add several tools to edit your mask: magic wand,lasso, polygon,elliptical marquee...
   - Print command with TurboPrint
   - New Boing effect: Grab alpha-channel, Grab RGB
   - Color and Gamma correction
   - New arexx script: Button_On, Button_Off, LensFlare