Short:        Photogenics 1.2 'playable' demo
Author:       Paul Nolan & Almathera Systems.
Uploader:     thp cix compulink co uk
Type:         gfx/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Finally, the 1.2 demo version of Photogenics hits the 'Net.  This is
a save-disabled image-size and file-format limited demo of the final
package.  More importantly, you can play with the package to try out
the new features and get a feel for it.  Ordering details for the
full program are included.


At least 2 megabytes of RAM.
                      <2 megs of CHIP and some FAST ram recommended>
At least a 68020 processor
Kickstart version 3.0 or higher.

More information can be found in the archive.

Photogenics © 1994-5 Paul Nolan & Almathera Systems Ltd.  All Rights
Reserved worldwide.

The contents of the directories C and Libs are Copyright © 1991, 1992
Commodore-Amiga Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Almathera has a
distribution licence to include these within the archive, however
further redistribution of this archive including the C and Libs
directories will require a separate distribution licence from the
current owners of Commodore-Amiga Inc.

This archive needs to be uncompressed onto a blank, bootable FFS
floppy disk with the name "PhotoDemo".  <The demo *needs* SetPatch
version 40.16 to run correctly - this is used in the Startup-Sequence
on the disk, and is therefore included.  The commands

            format drive df0: name PhotoDemo FFS NOICONS
                          install df0: FFS

will create a suitable blank disk in df0:  - then extract the archive
onto the disk and boot from it.