Short:        Script based image/animation manipulation tool
Author: (Thomas Frieden), (Hans-Joerg Frieden)
Uploader:     tfrieden uni-trier de (Thomas Frieden)
Type:         gfx/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

sFilter is a program for script based image and animation manipulation. The
program creates an AREXX port and executes a script which can manipulate the

Features include:

  o Supports multiple buffers for layering
  o Supports alpha channel operation
  o Filters include basic color changes (saturation, hue, brightness),
    alpha channel operation, convolution, and drawing functions (lines,
    circles, frame, and text)
  o plugin support: plugin functionality is build into shared libraries.
    You can write your own plugins, sample code is included.
  o Scripts are written in AREXX, thus giving you the whole flexibility of
    this language
  o Supports Cinema4D Objectmap files. Create an alpha channel from object map
    to limit operations to object