84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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Found 374 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
imageman.lha gfx/edit 447 38K 1994-12-30 m68k-amigaos icon Grayscale-ImageManipulation-Program - (readme) 1.60 gfx/edit 988 5.0M 2008-06-10 m68k-amigaos icon Image editing and special effects suite - (readme)
ImageMaster_Modules.lha gfx/edit 982 135K 2008-06-10 m68k-amigaos icon Plug-in Modules for ImageMaster - (readme)
ImEngV3.41p1.lha gfx/edit 463 619K 2000-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon Image Engineer v3.41 (demo r3) - 1/2 - (readme)
ImEngV3.41p2.lha gfx/edit 495 436K 2000-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon Image Engineer v3.41 (demo r3) - 2/2 - (readme)
InScript.lha 1.1 gfx/edit 506 179K 1992-09-26 m68k-amigaos icon Program for producing video titles. V1.1 - (readme)
ldisplay.lha gfx/edit 524 30K 2003-02-09 m68k-amigaos icon Make AnimGif with scroll-text x web page - (readme)
lodepaint.lha gfx/edit 557 2.0M 2010-10-24 i386-aros icon LodePaint - (readme)
lsidocs.lha gfx/edit 476 111K 1993-09-22 generic icon Docs on OpalPaint loaders & savers - (readme)
lunapaint-morphos.lha 0.3.2 gfx/edit 2493 893K 2007-03-13 ppc-morphos icon Open source paint and animation program - (readme)
lunapaint_v033b.tar.gz 0.3.3b gfx/edit 646 339K 2007-10-08 i386-aros icon Lunapaint is a paint app for AROS. - (readme)
lunapaint_v033c.tar.gz 0.3.3c gfx/edit 472 345K 2007-10-12 i386-aros icon Lunapaint is a paint app for AROS - (readme)
lwalker.lha 1.01 gfx/edit 481 647K 1996-11-27 m68k-amigaos icon Creates shining 3D web gfx and anims - (readme)
MAB-PIV.lha 1.04 gfx/edit 509 19K 2003-09-27 m68k-amigaos icon MainActor Broadcast PicassoIV Modul - (readme)
MABPatch101.lha gfx/edit 483 123K 1995-11-16 m68k-amigaos icon MainActor Broadcast Patch - (readme)
MABPatch102.lha gfx/edit 468 69K 1995-11-16 m68k-amigaos icon MainActor Broadcast Patch - (readme)
MABPatch103FIX.lha gfx/edit 514 216K 2002-07-07 m68k-amigaos icon MainActor Broadcast Patch - (readme)
MABPatch104.lha gfx/edit 500 253K 2002-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon MainActor Broadcast Patch - (readme)
MActr_Update.lha gfx/edit 631 40K 1995-05-08 m68k-amigaos icon Update of MainActor - (readme)
MagicalInk.lha 1.0 beta 2 gfx/edit 1709 2.6M 2011-04-30 ppc-morphos icon The little brother of Inkscape - (readme)
MagnifiCAD12.lha gfx/edit 638 368K 1997-02-06 m68k-amigaos icon CAD System (v1.2 w/ARexx & Postscript). - (readme)
MainActor1_55.lha gfx/edit 906 593K 1994-10-29 m68k-amigaos icon V1.55 of the modular animation package - (readme)
MaxiMal.lha gfx/edit 488 860K 1997-09-10 m68k-amigaos icon Paint program for kids in BB2 - (readme)
mc-sampler.lha gfx/edit 465 255K 1997-01-24 m68k-amigaos icon DVE motion clips for DPaint 4 or 5. - (readme)
Mega-ATcad.lha 05/2024 gfx/edit 432 2.0M 2024-05-06 m68k-amigaos icon 2D-CAD-Program - (readme)
mengui.lha 1.00 gfx/edit 1171 30K 2006-12-13 ppc-morphos icon Early gui for mencoder - (readme)
MicroPaint209.lha gfx/edit 845 492K 2003-08-17 m68k-amigaos icon Paint program with effects / BMP support - (readme)
MindSpace097Demo.lha 0.97 gfx/edit 972 514K 2007-05-29 ppc-amigaos icon Create MindMaps,UML and quaint pics (svg) - (readme)
MIS.lha gfx/edit 465 16K 1997-01-12 m68k-amigaos icon Fontsensitive(!) GUI for modifying icons easy. V1.4 - (readme)
mkvtoolnix-0.9.1.lha 0.9.1 gfx/edit 1125 4.4M 2006-02-02 ppc-morphos icon Tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files - (readme)
mpb.lha gfx/edit 459 454K 1997-08-20 m68k-amigaos icon Magic PaintBox For Kids *update* - (readme)
MPMorph4x.lha 4.8 gfx/edit 490 677K 1997-03-24 m68k-amigaos icon Morphing/Warping program OS3.0+ - (readme)
MPMorph4xs.lha 4.8 gfx/edit 434 278K 1997-03-24 generic icon Morphing/Warping program Source OS3.0+ - (readme)
MrED-1_20.lzh gfx/edit 556 61K 1992-04-16 m68k-amigaos icon Graphics editor for ANSI files, V1.20 - (readme)
MUIColorizer_v1.1.lha 1.1 gfx/edit 587 78K 2010-04-11 ppc-morphos icon MUIColorizer - A color balance tool - (readme)
Mysty.lha gfx/edit 452 15K 1996-02-07 m68k-amigaos icon MST3K Toaster Effect - (readme)
netbrush-os4.lha 0.1.0 gfx/edit 604 1.1M 2008-02-15 ppc-amigaos icon Paint images with friends over Internet - (readme)
onda.lha gfx/edit 554 162K 2002-04-28 m68k-amigaos icon Make AnimGif with GFX effetcs x web page - (readme)
Opal24_000.lha gfx/edit 667 1.3M 1996-06-10 m68k-amigaos icon OpalPaint v2.4 (68000 version) - (readme)
Opal24_020.lha gfx/edit 1133 1.3M 1996-06-09 m68k-amigaos icon OpalPaint v2.4 (68020/30/40 & FPU) - (readme)
opalbatc.lha gfx/edit 480 5K 1993-09-29 generic icon Batch Conversion Scripts For Opal Paint! - (readme)
OpRxWind1.lzh gfx/edit 467 6K 1993-09-29 generic icon OpalPaint scripts to stamp emboss brush - (readme)
OVLine11.lzh gfx/edit 460 26K 1993-09-29 m68k-amigaos icon OpalPaint: line/rect/ellipse drawing - (readme)
PARpro.lha gfx/edit 483 114K 1994-05-10 m68k-amigaos icon For Dps PAR board. Image processor. - (readme)
pcad20a.lha gfx/edit 666 594K 1996-11-22 m68k-amigaos icon Powerfull CAD Package, minor update - (readme)
pcad_examples.lha gfx/edit 479 324K 1996-11-22 m68k-amigaos icon Example drawing-files for PCAD Package - (readme)
pcdash2_tpl.lha 1.0 gfx/edit 632 1K 2005-06-11 generic icon PfPaint Template for PCDash2 - (readme)
PDRAW3-303.lha gfx/edit 522 319K 2020-09-23 m68k-amigaos icon Pro Draw 3.0 to 3.03 Update - (readme)
perfectpaint_espanol.lha 2.7 gfx/edit 511 8K 2022-03-22 generic icon Perfect Paint spanish catalog (2.93) - (readme)
PFM.lha gfx/edit 1948 910K 2000-04-09 m68k-amigaos icon Cloanto PFM and PDM Software - (readme)
Found 374 matching packages
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