Short: GUI for DVD playback using MPlayer Author: Juha-Pekka Jokela Uploader: aminet aminet net Type: gfx/show Version: 0.8 Requires: MPlayer; MUI; RXMUI Architecture: generic mDVD documentation ------------------ Overview: Simple graphical user interface for DVD playback using mplayer (first public release) Requirements: -Amiga-compatible operating system (I guess there's mplayer only for morphos though...) -mplayer -mui -rxmui Author: Juha-Pekka Jokela (Jupp3 on irc and forums) feedback is always welcome! Updates: Latest version should be available at Installation: Copy mDVD.rexx and to anywhere you like, they do NOT have to be in the same directory as mplayer. oh, and don't forget to set the tooltypes! (Likely you will have to change only mplayer path) Configuration ------------- Tooltypes: EXE=Work:Programs/mplayer/mplayer -Enter path to your mplayer executable here. EJECT=eject cd0 -Command line that will executed, when you press "eject" button alangs=en|fi|ja -Audio languages available for selection, separated by "|" -Note that there's always also "default" option in list! slangs=en|fi -Subtitle languages available for selection, separated by "|" -There's always also "none" available for selection. framedrop=1 -Initial state of "framedrop" -button. 0 or 1. fullscreen=1 -Initial state of "fullscreen" -button. 0 or 1. defaulttitle=1 -Title number that's selected when program is started. maxtitles=30 -Number of titles you can select.