Short: AROS - Amiga Research OS (Beta release) Author: Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla ( and many others Uploader: Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla (digulla hepe com) Type: misc/antiq Version: 1.12b Architecture: i386-aros !! THIS IS A BETA !! New this time: - First hardware (well, Linux) drivers using the new HIDD technologie - New license (source is freeware, firms can create commercial products with it) - *Lots* of new code (about 10MB) since the last release. - *Lots* of new bugs, too ;-) - Some bugs fixed (well, last time that I mention that) - IBM PC Standalone version (doesn't do much, yet, but looks promising) - Many demos from old Fish disks were ported - New naming scheme HOW TO USE THIS --------------- There are two archives: AROSdev.lha AROS-$a-$b.lha $a is the system and $b is the CPU this archive is for, ie. AROS-linux-i386.lha is the binary archive for linux with Intel CPU (386 and above), AROS-amiga.lha is the Amiga binary. If you are not involved with developing AROS but want to try it out or (even better) want to write apps for AROS, get the binary archive. It contains a ready-to-use copy of all binaries for AROS (not that there were many, yet ... :-). Unpack the archive, cd into AROS and run the arosshell (NOTE: For some systeme, there are shared versions of the libs to save disk space. On these systems, you must tell the loader to look into AROS/lib for additional libs. On most systems, do "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (without the "")). Now you will get a prompt reading "Workbench:> ". Now type "dir all" and press return and doesn't it look familiar (There will be lots of debugging output which you can safely ignore. It will go away in the next versions) ? Try "demowin" to see what our intuition.library and graphics.library can do. Have you tried "sift" ? This is the AROS version of sift.c which is in the RKRMs. We just copied and compiled it and it works ! If you want to try it, copy any IFF file into the AROS directory and call sift with the name of that file. It will print you the contents of the file using iffparse.library ! WHERE TO FIND MORE INFOS ? -------------------------- Look at these pages on WorldWideWait: (Alias for Main site, preferred) (Main site) (Alias for main site) (Sweden Mirror) (AROS for Amiga) If you have FTP, you can also get the most recent version as tar.gz files (quite smaller than lha) from HOW DO I REPORT BUGS ? ---------------------- There are these EMail addresses where you can send bug reports to: MISC ---- This software is subject to the "AROS PUBLIC LICENSE" which can be found in this archive as license.html. The license is derived from the Mozilla Public License. The biggest difference is that the word "Mozilla" has been replaced by "AROS" everywhere in the text. If you like it and use it regularly please send a message to the following address: Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla Th.-Heuss-Str. 8 78467 Konstanz Germany EMail: