Short:        GeoWorld V1.05 - new english locale file
Author:       BEER PRODUCTIONS (André + Ronny Beer)
Uploader:     André Beer (j beer abo freiepresse de)
Type:         misc/edu
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

              ***  GEOWORLD® V1.05  ***

This archive contains the new english locale file that is
needed for GeoWorld update V1.05

Simply copy the file "lo" over the file "GeoWorld/Daten/lo".

Then you can use the new GeoWorld version 1.05 with updated
english localization.

The other data is just in german. If you are interested to
help us to translate in english, please contact us.

Enjoy the Amiga and GeoWorld!

André Beer

  //     B  E  E  R      P  R  O  D  U  C  T  I  O  N  S
\//  André + Ronny Beer, Siedlung 6, 09548 Deutscheinsiedel
     Tel. 037362/76934  -   EMail  :-)