Short:        demo of a gamma ray scintillation counter
Uploader:     bradcln cln etc bc ca
Type:         misc/edu
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Gyrus Software
                   ##                      ##
                   ##      Gamma Demo      ##
                   ##          by          ##
                   ##      R. McCarter     ##
                   ##                      ##

Gamma Demo is a freely distributable limited version of Gamma Counter © 1992
Gyrus Software ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You are encouraged to copy and send
versions of Gamma Demo to any interested users, however, Gamma Counter is a
copyright protected commercial program and must not be reproduced for
distribution to others.

Gamma Counter is a simulation of a gamma ray scintillation counter used to
study radioactivity. This simulation has been developed to fill a void in
the way students normally learn about radioactivity. Usually there are few
lab activities due to the expense of individual work stations, the danger
and expense of radioisotopes and the time needed to carry out involved

Using the Gamma 2000 counter students will be able to simulate the
measurement of the energies of the emissions of a variety of radioisotopes,
to count the emissions and to determine the half lives of the isotopes.
Many exotic radioisotopes have been provided, some with such short half
lives that they would only last for minutes in a normal laboratory. Several
lab activities are provided to demonstrate the use of radioisotopes in
science, medicine and industry.

The Gamma 2000 has several advantages over the operation of conventional
scintillation counters. This may detract from authenticity, however it
simplifies and adds interest to the use of the equipment in a high school
classroom. The counter does not have to be calibrated and is sensitive to a
wide energy spectrum of beta particles, positrons and gamma rays. Time can be
run quickly ahead or in reverse so that days pass in seconds and complex
experiments can be done quickly. Calculation of half lives is simplified by a
feature that allows the matching of a half life graph to the data recorded in
an experiment.

Gamma Counter was written for the Amiga computer in Amos by:

                Bob McCarter
                Gyrus Software
                RR3 Site 312 C53
                Port Alberni, B.C.
                V9Y 7L7

Copies of Gamma Counter can be ordered for $39.95 from the above address.

The complete version includes documentation, 14 different experiments that
illustrate the varied uses of radiation and can be readily copied onto a
hard drive.