Short: Atari 800/800XL/130XE/5200 emulator Author: Atari800 Emulator Development Team, Morphos port by Fabrizio Bartoloni Uploader: lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Type: misc/emu Version: 2.1.0 Replaces: misc/emu/atari800-mos.lha Requires: PowerSDL.library Architecture: ppc-morphos Note from porting author: To make it easier for people not familiar with this emulator i've added some system ROMs (they are free to distribute and are amongst the extra files for download on the project homepage on sourceforge). Quick guide on how to use this emulator: click on the icon (stolen from Ilka, ehehe, thanks!) and press F1, you'll be presented with a confortable menu from where to load disk images, single executables, to configure the emulator itself, and so on, learn the shortcuts explained in it and use them "in game". The project homepage: