Short: Converts Spectrum TZX to TAP files Author: Tomaz Kac, Andrew Barker, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough Uploader: Varthall / Up Rough Type: misc/emu Version: 0.13b Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 ZXTape Utilities -------------------- TZX to TAP Converter v0.13b by Tomaz Kac This utility will let you convert the new format .TZX files to standard .TAP files, which are used by most emulators today. Since .TZX files have more information about speed and other important features these features will be lost during conversion. If the .TZX file only had normal loading blocks then this ofcourse will not matter. All Normal Loading, Custom Loading and Pure Data blocks will be converted into .TAP file... however the blocks which are over 64k long will be skipped. Ofcourse all other information and control blocks will be skipped too. This might be usefull for those emulators that can use only .TAP files and can figure out the speed themselves from the actual code (like Warajevo, Radovan Garabik's emulator,...). Syntax is simple... : TZX2TAP INPUT.TZX [OUTPUT.TAP] If OUTPUT.TAP is not given then the INPUT filename will be used, but its extension will be changed to .TAP. If any of the non-standard blocks are encountered then the --Warning will be displayed, so you know what has been converted and what has been skipped. HISTORY: 0.11b - A bug caused the converter to crash when the TZX file contained Sequence of Pulses blocks. ANSI stuff removed (bold text) 0.12b - ZX Tape format version 1.02 is now handled correctly 0.13b - Revision 1.03 is used now, Succesfully converted blocks count shows only the count of resulting .TAP blocks now. If you are looking for sample .TZX files then the best place (for now) is the homepage of this format: . The latest revision of the ZXTape format and of all these utilties together with others that use this format can be found at that page too. My email is tomaz.kac() ... mail me if you have any problems with this program. TC