Short: FTM-Modul. "Antom" by SSilk Author: Uploader: ssilk ssilkyway franken de Type: mods/8voic Architecture: generic This is a description of a "Face The Musik"-song made by SSilk: Alexander Aulbach Semmelstraße 59 97070 Würzburg West Germany Tel.: ++49 931 58681 EMail: You can play it with PlayFTM (the PD-Player for FTM) or DeliTracker. Das Musikstück "Antom" ist Public Domain, solange... - dieser Text mitkopiert wird - nichts am Musikstück verändert wird - mein Name in jedweder Form erwähnt wird. The song "Antom" is free distributable as long as... - this text will be included while copying - nothing will be changed in the song - my name will be shown in every form. "Antom" 1st official release: 30.March.95 -------------------------------------------------------- Antom describes the chaos of microcosm: - the rythm - the swing - the harmony - the disharmony ---------------------------------------------------------