Short:        Published Commodore 64 music by Einstein of Chrome
Author: (Kristopher Roebuck)
Uploader:     musician rainbow agn net au (Kristopher Roebuck)
Type:         mus/chip
Version:      Public version 1.0
Requires:     PlaySID 3.0, Workbench 2.0
Architecture: generic


Welcome to the first release of Einstein's Sonix on Amiga.

This volume contains eight tunes written between 1991 and 1996 and released
in assorted Chrome demos, games and intros on the Commodore 64.

All of this music appeared in Genesis (1992), Einstein's Sonix (1992),
Revenge (1993), The Chrome 8 bit Sample Collection (1993) and The Chrome 4
bit Sample Collection (1993).

To play these tunes, you'll need a copy of the marvellous PlaySID version
3.0 or better.  However, these tunes should run under the PC program
SIDPlay without modification (other than renaming everything from PSID.* to

This is just the first of many Einstein and Project: Synthesis music
collections.  I have many more tunes waiting in the wings but I am loathe
to release them on Amiga until they have been used in a Chrome demo.

If you enjoy these tunes and would like to hear more from me, please feel
free to contact me at the above address.  (Everyone has some form of
electronic mail access, don't they?)

All audio works included here are copyright (c) 1991 to 1997 Kristopher