Short: 3rd at Trip98 4ch compo. Ambient mod by c0RRoSI0n. Author: Patrizio "Corrosion" Casalengo ( Uploader: Patrizio "Corrosion" Casalengo (casalengo chivasso alpcom it) Type: mods/crn Architecture: generic Title: Planet Of Sorrow Style: Ambient Note: Placed 3rd at the 4ch compo of the Trip98 Date: 30/4/97 (but released in January 98) .. [] .. [mods/crn] . ___/\_______/\_____/\______/\_____/\______/\__::__/\______\ \_ ___ \_ _ _ ___ \_ ___ \_ _ _ _____:: _ _/ _ \__/\_ __/.o\____/ /o.\_.o\____/.o\____/ /o.\____ _/:: /o. \_ \ \ / \____ _______/ __ \_ __ \_______/ /o.\_::_______/iCe\ \o.\_ \_____/ `--\_____/--\____/ \_______/:: `-----\____/ :: [ c O R R O S i O n ] :::::: : : ::