Short: Easy Part2 - [jazz/piano] by ElbiE/t13N!^XZN Author: Uploader: Guffaw star ct se Type: mods/funk Architecture: generic ---------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _ ____ ___| / /(______________,---,_)__/ \_ ' _/__\--___/ , \ \ / ___)__ .--/ T__\¯¬(_____\_____/ |__/________\---. | /___| `---' | | brings out a brand new production: | | "Easy Part2" [!brilliant jazz/piano] | | by our own Louis Armstrong: E l b i E | | | `--[970510]---------------------[jGR/p^D]--' Easy part2 is a splendid jazzy tune based on "easy", also by me! The chords and the solo is basically the same, but I have jazz'ed it a bit :) It should be heard in mono but it's ok anyway.. The main arr. is based on a simple C d combination. but to make it more jazzy I also put in some nice 9's and 7's. The first chord is a maj9 and the second is a min7, in the verse. The chorus is based on a Fmaj9 emin7 dmin7 combination wich sound really nice. I believe I have found that stumbeling feeling in the piano solo as it almost feels as the pianist is a bit tired, but fixes it up anyway... It's hard to hear that "easy" and "easy part2" is the same song, but if you listen to them in a row you should be able to hear that they're almost the same. reach me for comments at