Short:        TP96 4-ch. compo module by Yavin/Heatwave
Author: (Yavin)
Uploader:     rs room109 xs4all nl
Type:         mods/funk
Architecture: generic

This PT-module brought out under Heatwave label is my contribution
to The Party 6 4-channel musiccompetition.. Comment is welcome.. 

Heatwave, E-Mail us for Amiga/PC/C64 music..

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  450008  282441 37.2% 31-Dec-96 02:14:02  MOD.MOTOWN-FUNK
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  450008  282441 37.2% 31-Dec-96 02:14:50   1 files