Short:        Spoochy's 18th OctaMed mod.
Author:       DJ Spoochy <>
Uploader:     Roger Hågensen <emsai online no>
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Freeware

This is a um, techno/misc tune, just me experimenting
with effects...

I just joined Reboot Records, so if you need any music for anything
contact me or some of the others in Reboot Records.
A homepage will soon be ready with more info and contact address
plus more...

DJ Spoochy <>

   RRR      /  RRR
   R  R    /   R  R
   RRR     /   RRR
   R  R    /   R  R
   R   R  /    R   R

    Reboot  Records