Short:        [A51da] - Lies by Converse/A51
Author:  [Converse/A51]
Uploader:     alan a51krew demon co uk  [zYX!/A51]
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

                   ______ _____ ______ ______   ______ __
    what!        \\\___  \\ __ \\  __ \\___  \  \  ___\\ \
       not         / __  //    // ____// __  /  /___  // /    produxion!
        another... \____/ \_/\_\\____/ \____/   \____//_///

  /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯  ¯  ¯   ¯  ¯ ¯  ¯      ¯       ¯    ¯   ¯  ¯
  \  ____________ _ _  _  _   _  _    _                  _     _   _
   \ \ _____ __ ____ __ ____ _____ __      rEL!#009         *FIXED!*
    \ \\___ \\ \\___\\ \\__ \\___ \\ \
     \ \   \ \\ \  ___\ \  \ \ __\ \\ \    m0DULEnAME: mod.LiesFINAL
      \ \   \ \\ \ \_ \\ \  \ \\___ \\ \
      / /___/ // /__/ // /  / /   / // /__ tRACK3D bY:  Converse/A51
     / //____//_//___//_/  /_/   /_//____/
    / /_____    __ _____ __ ______         f0RMAT:  ProTracker
    \ \\___ \   \ \\___ \\ \\  __ \
     \ \ __\ \   \ \   \ \\ \\ \ \ \       sTYL3:  Piano
      \ \\___ \   \ \   \ \\ \\ \ \ \
      / /   / /___/ /___/ // // /_/ /      fILES!ZE:  166638
     / /   /_//____//____//_//_____/
    / /                                    r3LEASE dAT3: 01/03/98
   /  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯  ¯   ¯  ¯  ¯                           ¯
   \_____________________ _ _  _   _   _  _ _   _   _     _    _   _



        [Oops!   Bit  of  a  fukk  up  here.   The  version of Lies
        originally  released  had  a  few errors in it so we had to
        replace it with this *FIXED!* version.  Please nuke the old
        A_LIES.LHA  archive  you  have  on your hard drive/BBS/FTP,
        etc.   and  replace it with this one.  The release date and
        everything  remain the same we just needed to fix this mess
        that's all.  SORRY!  zYX!/A51]

        Another  one  blended  by  Converse...   I'll let him do da

        Long  time  listeners  to my stuff will know that I used to
        churn  out piano-y stuff by the truck load, but lately it's
        been  dance  and alternative slowies.  But due to no demand
        and boredom heres one for ya all.

        N Joy anywayz...

        Gotta go now!  C yA l8RZ!!

        Converse/area 51   

     A51 D!G!TAL AUD!O - s00N t0 bE rIPPIN' uP tHA mOTHERpHUKIN' aREA!


                       iF y0U wANNA c0NTACT...
                  ---> aREa 51 - D!G!TAL AUD!O <---
                        ...sEND a sNAIL t0...

   (zYX!/A51), 98 Boston Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6EU, ENGLAND

                     ...oR eMAIL (pREFERABLE!)...