Short: A big hi to all folks out there!

With this short readme-file I'll try to give a short description of all
my released modules. I must admit, that I find it more difficult to
describe my music than to compose it, but I'll try it anyway.

I hope this file is a help for the people who want to download my

If you don't find all the listed mods on this server then try out the
following one:
There should be all my mods.

Here it is, the complete list of my released modules:    (Date: 10.Feb 1993)

Badlands		I must admit, that this is not the type of
(Soundtracker)		music that I usually compose, but my friends
			convinced me to finish this tune, because
Lha: 72258 bytes	they like it very much.
			This is NO techno! This one has a melody!

			Samples were ripped from the games:

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Burnout			Very nice music with a lot of melody.
(Soundtracker)		This is NO techno!

Lha: 51770 bytes

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Damnation		This tune is real hardcore-techno and you gotta
(Oktalyzer)		listen to it. The samples were taken from many
			different techno-tunes, but there is no rythm
Lha: 165289 bytes	or melody sampled in one whole piece.

			Samples were taken from:
			Go				Moby
			James Brown is still alive	Holy Noise
			Tekknological Crime		Fazer
			Children of the Future		Trilithon
			and many more...

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Dark_and_Bright		This is a techno-tune with many contrasting elements
(Oktalyzer)		and high-quality samples.
			I took most of the samples that I used in this tune
Lha: 139342 bytes	from "The Abyss" by "Phantom".

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Deep Water		This is very dreamy music with a lot of melody and
(Soundtracker)		harmony. I think it's quite good to listen to it
			while programming. 
Released: 07.Dec 92
			The samples were taken from other mods.
Lha: 63081 bytes

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Discobeat		This is pure Hip-Hop. I must admit, that it is not
(Oktalyzer)		quite the newest one of my songs, but it's quite
			good, I think.
Lha: 210384 bytes
			Samples were taken from:
			Gonna make you sweat	C&C Music Factory
			Devotion		Nomad
			3 a.m. Eternal		KLF
			Enigma MCMXC a.D.

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Endless			If you like to dream while you hear music, then this
(Oktalyzer)		tune is the right one for you.

Lha: 189283 bytes	Samples were taken from:
			Last train to trancentral	KLF
			Killer				Seal
			Batdance			Prince

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Infectious		Faaast Tekkno-Rave-Style
(Soundtracker)		Quite hard!
			Power-Bass required!
Lha: 187778 bytes	The best Tekkno-Track I've ever made.

			Samples were taken from:
			Something for your mind		Speedy J.
			Ultimate Seduction		Ultimate Seduction
			Navigator			Spirit Adventure
			Deeper Love			Clivillés & Cole
			303				Public Energy

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Loneliness		It's dream-time again. This is a song with
(Oktalyzer)		a lot of feeling in it.
			I think, when it comes to dreaming, this is
Lha: 132863 bytes	one of my best tunes, but judge yourself.

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OpenSesame		This is for all those dancefloor- and hardcorefreaks
HardcoreRemix93		out there. It uses quite a lot of memory, but I think
(Soundtracker)		it's worth every single bit.
			Normally it's not my style to sample that much direct
Released: 04.Jan 93	from CD, but I like this song so much that I just had
			to remix it.
Lha: 322423 bytes
			If you really like this one, then consider buying the
			original from Leila K on CD (it's great!), because I
			had to leave out some lyrics, 'cause I didn't want to
			use even more memory.

			If you think that there are too many differences
			between this mod and the original, then remember:
			This is supposed to be a remix!
			            >>> TURN UP THE BASS! <<<

			The samples were taken from:
			Open Sesame	Leila K.
			303		Public Energy
			Navigator	Spirit Adventure

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Out_of_Control		This one is VERY hard and agressive techno-music.
(Oktalyzer)		I'm not responsible for any braindamage caused by
			this music.
Lha: 145496 bytes	Do not be irritated by the slow beginning.

			Samples were taken from:
			Hells Bells		AC/DC
			Sample City		Snap!
			... and many more

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Party-Time		Techno-music with fast rythm and loud bass.
(Oktalyer)		High volume recommended!!

Lha: 169407 bytes	Samples were taken from:
			Dance now		Mosaic III
			Night in motion		Cubic 22
			Anasthasia		T.99

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Ray_of_Hope		If you like computermusic with guitars and pianos,
(Oktalyzer)		then this one is a tune, you have to listen to.

Lha: 116090 bytes	Samples were taken from:
			Heart	Pet Shop Boys
			and from many different sound-disks

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Rhythmflow		Dreamy music with nice melody and strings.
			I took the rhythm from:
Lha: 95852 bytes	Justify my love		Madonna

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Rock_It			This is some kind of techno-rave-music.
(Oktalyzer)		It's one of my favorite ones.
			Only for the headstrong!
Lha: 70241 bytes
			Samples were taken from:
			Valentine's Day		Betty Boo
			Gonna make you sweat	C&C Music Factory
			James Brown is dead	L.A. Style
			Head the ball		EMF

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Tekknomania		High voltage techno-music.
(Oktalyzer)		Turn up the volume!!!

Lha: 226305 bytes	Samples were taken from:
			Dominator		Human Resource
			Who is Elvis		Interactive
			Who killed JFK		Mysteria
			Twilight Zone		2 Unlimited
			Battle of the DJs

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The_Machine		Are you ready...
                        ...ready for this hardcore trip?
Released: 11.Feb 93
                        The most braindamaging music, you've ever heard.
Lha: 89243 bytes
                        I think it's really smashing and you should turn
                        up the volume, just to get the right feeling!

                        Enjoy it!!!

                        The samples were taken from:
                        Revolution      Rave-OMatic
                        Atom-B          Atomizer
                        Mindcontroller  80 AUM
                        ... and many others ...

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Total_Ecstasy		Xtatic tekkno-music only for the headstrong.
			Samples were taken from:
Lha: 172398 bytes	Killer			Seal
			Everybody's free	Rozalla
			Ecstasy Recall		Escape from Brooklyn
			Je n'aime que toi	Angel Ice
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Trance			Set your mind free and get into trance...
(Soundtracker)		Nothing for non-techno-freaks!

Lha: 103166 bytes	Samples were taken from:
			Navigator		Spritit Adventure
			303			Public Energy
			Phantasia		Inner Light
			and many more

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Waves			Very dreamy and slow music.
(Soundtracker)		Enjoy it.

Lha: 64784 bytes

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Whirlwind		This is dreamy rave-music, or how should I
(Oktalyzer)		describe it?
			I think it's VERY good and you should listen to it
Lha: 174248 bytes	VERY closely!
			Turn up the bass!!!

			Samples were taken from:
			Boomania		Betty Boo
			Gonna make you sweat	C&C Music Factory
			One fine day		Camouflage


The 18 modules without a date in this list were released on 01.Nov 1992.


06.Dec 1992	Deep_Water has been released.


04.Jan 1993	Release of OpenSesameHardcoreRemix93


10.Feb 1993     Release of The Machine


I hope these short descriptions help you to decide which files you want
to download.

If you don't find all my mods on the server where you have downloaded this
list, then try the following one:


If you like (or don't like?) my modules, then let me know your opinion.

This is how you can reach me:

				  André Martens
				  Europaring 23
				2940 Wilhelmshaven
				Tel: 049/4421/74465

				or send an E-Mail to:


Note: In the IRC my nickname is ANDEMAR!
      When I'm there I'm normally in the Amiga-Channel.
      (I think you guessed that!)

If you want to hear more of my modules, then look out for the demos of
Futuristic Designs and Xymox Project.


You're free to use my modules in your own demos and intros as
long as you mention my name.
It is NOT allowed to earn money by using my modules in professional
games or by selling them for more than the disks price.

Greetings and appreciation go to:	Fred Fish
					U4ia (Mods)
					Stefan Becker (Toolmanager)
					Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel (Term)
					Matt Dillon (Dice)
					Teijo Kinnunen (MED)
					all people of Xymox-Project
					and to all the other people who do
					so much for the AMIGA!

Sorry, but there are hundreds of people I'd like to greet at this place,
but I'm too lazy to do that.

I know that the AMIGA is not perfect, but there is nothing better!

And now a word to all the other music-composers:
I can't understand how anyone can say that he composes a in just one day.
Normally I work several weeks on a tune!

By the way:
Does anybody out there know something about composer-programs that support
the Soundblaster 16 with its advanced signal processor?
Then please write me an E-Mail or something like that.

Soon to be released:	Funky_Beats	(Soundtracker)	Black Machine Style
			Journey		(Soundtracker)	Techno + Guitars?
			Just_dream_on	(Oktalyzer)	Trance-Techno
			Bass4u		(Soundtracker)	Prodigy-Style (fast!)