Short:        Leu singe blue alt two
Author:       Kuu/black sista
Uploader:     orlingo publishnet nl
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

 ________    _ ______
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 _\________      /  _|_____ ____\____    \__/   _______/     ____|_________
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  \____________/____________\_____/         \____________\___/        \
                                 /___________\              /__________\
       __________            _________ _________
     _/   ______/_ _______ _/  ______/__    ____|____       __________
     \________    \  ____/_\_______    \      ______/_______\____     \_
     _      _/     \       \     _/     \       |/       /     _/       \
      \_____________\_______\____________\______________/_____/    2s    \

  The Bs! allstars Team  -[ Mortimer Twang - Radavi - Kuu - Seltique - Orlingo ]-

It's been a long time since we've released anything.. 
most people are waiting for new mortimer twang tunes, but I haven't got any at the mo'.
So till then you'll have to do with another fine one by Kuu..

He remixed a fresh mortimer tune and turned it into something completely Kuu.. jazzy d&b stuff..