Short: Protracker Tune...Original Score for CCII (Colonial Conquest II) Author: (Carl "Zodiac" Wooltorton) Uploader: woolto_c kultarr cs uwa edu au (Carl "Zodiac" Wooltorton) Type: mods/pro Architecture: generic This little module was written on Protracker V1.3 (I think) as the title music for the game "Colonial Conqest II" by Christian Mumentha (which should also be on aminet somewhere). After a while though, I decided to let Chris remix the song for his game because we couldn't agree on what was best. And that is just fine with me so don't hassle him about it okay? This is the first module I've released on the net so I hope everyone likes it. Drop me a line at or By (Psygnosis) 2:45 ***+