Short: Baroque's Quota of Modules No.2 Author: Baroque / Freelance / Guru Magic ( Uploader: qdavie qdavie aztec co za Type: mods/sets Architecture: generic Modules in Quota_2 : mod.<> - Done For Techno Music disk on Amiga - Unreleased mod.acronyme - Used in GM PC intro mod.african-bush - Created for an Amiga African Demo which was never completed mod.meander - Released into Public Domain before mod.melancholy - From unreleased Amiga Music Disk mod.postcard - Written as an intro tune. Never used mod.signiture - From unreleased Amiga Music Disk mod.sublime - From unreleased Amiga Music Disk mod.timeless - From unreleased Amiga Music Disk mod.zonk - Used in Amiga intro & in a Revenge intro on PC. Description: Baroque's Quota of Modules No.2 is the second in a line of Sets containing all Baroque's modules. They will be systematically released on Aminet in the Sets directory. Permission is given for the the sets to be released on any CD ROMs as long as credit is given. seeya on the 'net! Baroque