Short:        "Weit Weg (ffttn-Mix)" by RM
Author: (PG)
Uploader:     ChristianW online de
Type:         mods/tranc
Architecture: generic

          Weit Weg (fishermansfriendthroughthenose Mix) MP3

Visit my Hompage for a shorter Mline-Version (only 35kb !!!) and more.
To hear Mline-Mods you need an Amiga with the Mline-Main-Prog (mus/edit/
mline115.lha) or aplayer (mus/play/aplay222.lha) ! I ve never heard
about a Mline-Player for the MS-PC, sorry ! If you know one: MAIL ME !
You can also send me an email if you think that I should know how worse
or well my mods are !

PG 99-02-27

                 EMAIL   :