Short:        The planet is gone - goa
Author:       Tarmslyng/Loonies
Uploader:     madsl mdb ku dk
Type:         mods/tranc
Architecture: generic

Name:      Planeten er væk (the planet is gone)
Net-Label: Loonies Records
Project:   De 1000 nøgne ørers psychedeliske project
Record:    Planeten er væk (songs of the 2'nd moon)
Number:    2
Lenght:    09:44 min
Style:     goa (NB: oldschool goa)
Format:    MED (octamed) 4ch
Tempo:     160 bpm
Size:      654 (unpacked)
Date:      11-10-97
Voice:     The first voice is sampled form an old danish starwars tape.
           It's taken from the part were Luke discovers that princes Laya's
           planet is gone.!!
           The second voice is sampled form an old danish tintin tape.
           It's captain Haddoc (or somthing like that). 

The album consist of: 
01.Intro                (lns1_intro.lha)
02.Planeten er væk      (lns2_planet.lha)        
03.079                  (lns3_079.lha)
04.Peter Pan            (lns4_Peter.lha)         
05.Be like them         (lns5_LikeThem.lha)
06.Concepth of weakness (lns6_concept.lha)
07.Den svenske cykel    (lns7_swedish.lha)
08.Det brændende 4ben   (lns8_lizard.lha)
09.It's bad             (lns9_ItsBad.lha)
10.Boogey               (lns10_boogey.lha)
11.It's great           (lns11_ItsGreat.lha)

Contact the label at:          

e-mail: or 
fidonet: 2:236/29.9 

Home-page: or