Short: OctaMED dance mod, based on the famous motto Intel Outside Author: (OgniX), (Pera) Uploader: luca_ognibene ud nettuno it (Luca Ognibene - OgniX) Type: mods/voice Requires: 2 MB of Chip RAM (Amiga with ECS 8375 Agnus or AGA chipset) Architecture: generic We are proud to announce you (after months of working, or not working :) "The Intel Outside" module. This song is based on the famous Amiga motto and it's a LEGAL transposition of the popular (in Italy) dance track "The Colour Inside" by Ti.Pi.Cal.© We've got the permission from New Music - Italy (copyright owner) to make and spread this module. But pay attention: you're only allowed to download, play and spread it (with no fee), without any modifications (for further info please read the guide file inside the archive). The module is so big because it contains a lot of vocal parts, hence the system requirements (sorry). Remember that we suggest you to download it only if you are an Amiga user (you should be, if you're FTPing on AmiNet) because the text of the song CONTAINS WORDS NOT SUITABLE for Pee Cee users! \;^) Comments are really welcome.