Short: A tribute to the MVP-Man! Author: (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Uploader: dancab polbox com (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Type: mods/voice Architecture: generic MVP (i'll not write his complete name) is a strange computer-fanatic guy i know here (in Curitiba, Brazil). He loved Apples and Sinclairs when 486s were the top-hit, his house is full of computer junk.. sometimes he tends to be an Amiga lover, sometimes he hates it and loves PC. At time this music was done that guy was hearing a lot of MOD musics through MOD-player on PC.. so i decided to pay homage to him! >:-) The AAaANIiMAAAaaaAAAALLL!! dirty-distorted sample courtesy of badly built mic input amplifier. The other samples were done in Win....s (eek!) and converted to Amiga by housemade program. This song was composed in later 1993 (perhaps begining of 1994?).